How Much does Acupuncture Cost?
The price of your treatment plan will vary depending on whether or not you are using insurance, how many treatments you will need, whether or not you need herbal formula etc.
We offer the highest level of quality and expert care at our clinic. We are also committed to keeping our treatments affordable. Our rates are very competitive with standard acupuncture rates for the greater Los Angeles area. The best way to get started is to book a free in office consultation with option to go right into your first treatment. There will be no surprises. We will give you our best recommendation for a customized treatment plan and the cost before we start treatment.
How much does Acupuncture cost with Insurance?
Every insurance plan is different. So we would need to check and see what your plan benefits are. After your consultation we would be happy to check your insurance plan for you to find out the details of your plan. If your deductible has already been met for the year, and you have coverage, copays typically range between $30-$60 per treatment.