OMG herbs are saving my life right now! I’ve had this painful shoulder spasm for a few days. But thankfully I know how to treat myself with herbs! This injury reminded me of how awesome they are. I woke up at a disabling 7/10 pain scale, and now after taking herbs I'm at a very functional 2/10. That’s as good or better than you could get with ibuprofen or other Nsaids.
AND bonus, these herbs are non addictive like opiods can be, and they don't rip up the gut lining like nsaids do. Beyond that they don't simply mask pain. They actually promote healing the tissues. I think most people think of herbs as primitive, backwards, but they are FAR from that. Herbal medicine is highly sophisticated and been in practice for hundreds of years. Formulas are balanced so they don't hurt the body as they are healing it. And there are hundreds of formulas in usage, or infinite if you count the custom made ones. Recently eastern medicinal herbal formulas have even been recognized by modern science for their efficacy.
Western pharmaceuticals are very limited in scope in comparison to what Eastern herbal formulas have to offer. Think about colds and flus for instance. What does western medicine have for that? Tamiflu? Robitussin? Robitussin doesn't even work btw. It's really kind of pitiful. Meanwhile Chinese medicine has dozens of formulas for different symptoms of cold/flu and even different stages of the disease. That's the power of herbal formulas.
There is no one size fits all formula for any one disease or injury. Diseases don't fit into neat boxes as Western medicine would have you believe. They exist on a spectrum and Chinese medicine recognizes that. Herbal formulas are chosen or created based on how the disease is presenting differently in each person. And they even take into the account, THE PERSON. Imagine that! Everybody has a different constitution, health history, etc. etc. So you certainly can't give everyone the same medicine for the "same" disease. Chinese medicine recognizes that and that's what makes it so powerful.
I've even used herbs countless times in my practice to prevent people from having to have surgeries for calcified tendons, uterine fibroids, herniated discs, you name it. So if you've never considered herbal medicine before for what ails you, consider it. Eastern medicinal herbs, especially in conjunction with acupuncture are a powerhouse team to fix what ails you. Acupuncture + herbs they work!