Be Good to Your Lungs

What an intense time it has been for all of us that live and work near these fires. Thought they are mostly contained the danger is not over. We still have to contend with the air quality and making sure that we are taking care of ourselves mentally and physically after such a traumatic time.

There has been no lack of information regarding protecting ourselves from the toxins in the air. Distilled down these seem to be the most important takeaways. For at least the next 4 weeks we need to be wearing N95 or P100 masks outdoors. Check the AQI and PM2.5 measurements before you go out for an extended outdoor activity, such as hiking or being at the beach. Those measurements are useful, but remember that you should trust your own nose and eyes above all else. Even if the AQI is in the healthy range, if you smell smoke or see ash you should mask up or go indoors anyway. Those sensors are spaced very far apart. They are not meant to be able to get hyper local measurements. And they are not updated in real time so only use them as a general guideline. If you haven’t already done so, please get some air purifiers for your home. Make sure they have both a carbon filter and a hepa filter inside so that they are able to catch a wider range of pollutants. Also check that your air purifiers cover the full square footage of your home.

From a Chinese medical point of view the lung system is associated with grief. Grief and sadness can weaken our lungs. Vice versa, poor quality air, smoke inhalation, and lung diseases like asthma, COPD, allergies, etc. can lead us to melancholy. That’s quite the double whammy for those of us who live in Los Angeles right now. We are dealing with both in spades. It makes it even more important than ever to support our lungs.

As per usual veggies are powerhouses for our health. Dark green and yellow or orange vegetables have high levels of beta carotenes which help our lungs discharge residues from chemical fumes. Parsley, kale, watercress, cilantro, broccoli, pumpkin, turnips, cabbage and carrots are good choices.

Another thing to know is that our lungs don’t like to get too dry. And wow it’s been dry in LA lately! So incorporate some moistening foods to keep your lungs happy. These would include pears, white mushrooms, apples, and loquats. Make sure you’re remembering to drink water also. Clear broths, coconut water and electrolyte drinks are very helpful too when you feel like your body isn’t holding onto liquids.

If your lungs have been feeling congested, some pungent foods, such as chili peppers, garlic, and onions can help disperse phlegm in the lungs. Definitely avoid foods that create more inflammation and phlegm in the lungs, such as junk food, fast food, deep fried foods, alcohol and sugar.

To discharge grief the absolute best thing to do as we all know, is spend more time with the people you love. And when you are by yourself breathing exercises, and or meditation are useful for this purpose. Put your attention on your breathing. Take deep breaths, trying to breathe into your belly, your dan tian, the seat of your power. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Another option is Inner Smile Meditation. This is a meditation in the Taoist tradition. You visualize a gentle smile beaming at your lungs, bringing gentle attention, gratitude and warmth to release sadness.

We hope these suggestions will help you recover your lung health and be another step in your healing journey. If you have any other questions or need any further information feel free to call us at the clinic. We are always here to help.

Your Doctor's Appointment is 3 Months Away??

We hear this all the time. Often our patients are waiting for several weeks or even several months before getting to see a doctor about their health issue. To this we say, “Are you kidding??” Because when you’re in a lot of pain, or are having other symptoms that are putting a serious cramp in your life then you really can’t wait several months to have treatment.

In Asian countries it’s very normal for people to immediately think of going to their acupuncturist/herbalist for treatment first. But this idea hasn’t quite caught on yet in the western world. Most people in the U.S. do know that acupuncture is incredibly effective for treating pain. But most don’t know that acupuncturist/herbalists treat nearly any health condition that isn’t an emergency.

We treat digestion issues, depression, anxiety, dermatological conditions, fatigue, insomnia, perimenopause, fertility, asthma, allergies, metabolism and weight gain, etc. etc. There is a sign in our waiting room that has a long list of just a fraction of the conditions that we successfully treat. The list would be a mile long if we listed everything! Most people laugh when we tell them that if you don’t need to call an ambulance you can call us. But we’re serious!

And the big bonus is that rather than just treating symptoms of a disease we are always, constantly treating the root cause of the issue too. This means you’ll get long term results, not just temporary symptom relief.

Acupuncture and herbs are a safer, more effective, and less expensive way of treating most health conditions. So the next time you need help with a health issue and you can’t wait 3 months to see a doctor give us a call first. We are open 7 days a week in beautiful Pasadena, CA and can often even see you for same day appointments.

Herbs are Awesome!

OMG herbs are saving my life right now! I’ve had this painful shoulder spasm for a few days. But thankfully I know how to treat myself with herbs! This injury reminded me of how awesome they are. I woke up at a disabling 7/10 pain scale, and now after taking herbs I'm at a very functional 2/10. That’s as good or better than you could get with ibuprofen or other Nsaids.

AND bonus, these herbs are non addictive like opiods can be, and they don't rip up the gut lining like nsaids do. Beyond that they don't simply mask pain. They actually promote healing the tissues. I think most people think of herbs as primitive, backwards, but they are FAR from that. Herbal medicine is highly sophisticated and been in practice for hundreds of years. Formulas are balanced so they don't hurt the body as they are healing it. And there are hundreds of formulas in usage, or infinite if you count the custom made ones. Recently eastern medicinal herbal formulas have even been recognized by modern science for their efficacy.

Western pharmaceuticals are very limited in scope in comparison to what Eastern herbal formulas have to offer. Think about colds and flus for instance. What does western medicine have for that? Tamiflu? Robitussin? Robitussin doesn't even work btw. It's really kind of pitiful. Meanwhile Chinese medicine has dozens of formulas for different symptoms of cold/flu and even different stages of the disease. That's the power of herbal formulas.

There is no one size fits all formula for any one disease or injury. Diseases don't fit into neat boxes as Western medicine would have you believe. They exist on a spectrum and Chinese medicine recognizes that. Herbal formulas are chosen or created based on how the disease is presenting differently in each person. And they even take into the account, THE PERSON. Imagine that! Everybody has a different constitution, health history, etc. etc. So you certainly can't give everyone the same medicine for the "same" disease. Chinese medicine recognizes that and that's what makes it so powerful.

I've even used herbs countless times in my practice to prevent people from having to have surgeries for calcified tendons, uterine fibroids, herniated discs, you name it. So if you've never considered herbal medicine before for what ails you, consider it. Eastern medicinal herbs, especially in conjunction with acupuncture are a powerhouse team to fix what ails you. Acupuncture + herbs they work!

IVF+ Acupuncture = Perfect Synergy

A question those preparing to do IVF often have is, “If I’m already doing IVF should I also do acupuncture?  The answer is yes.  Acupuncture can enhance the effectiveness of IVF in many ways.  And since IVF can be costly both from a financial and emotional stand point it makes sense to do acupuncture along with the IVF to give yourself the greatest chance of success. 

If you compare IVF to a marathon, then acupuncture would be the training you do before the marathon.  If you prepare first, you will do better on the big day of the event.

Acupuncture prepares the body for IVF in a multitude of ways.  It affects many factors ranging from stress reduction, to hormone balance, to improved blood flow to the reproductive organs, and more.

Undergoing IVF treatments can be emotionally and physically demanding, often leading to increased stress levels for couples. Acupuncture gently releases endorphins and reduces cortisol bringing down both stress and anxiety. Studies suggest that elevated stress hormones can adversely impact fertility, and acupuncture's ability to modulate these hormones contribute to a more receptive reproductive environment during IVF cycles.

Effective blood circulation is crucial for the ovaries and uterus, ensuring that they receive an optimal supply of oxygen and nutrients. Acupuncture's placement of needles at specific points stimulates blood flow, thereby promoting an environment that encourages follicular development and implantation. Improved blood circulation not only aids in nourishing the reproductive organs but also helps in carrying away toxins that could impair fertility.

Acupuncture also has a profound impact on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis, a critical system governing the menstrual cycle and reproductive processes. By influencing this axis, acupuncture regulates hormonal fluctuations and enhances the synchronization required for successful IVF cycles. Acupuncture assists IVF by promoting the delicate harmony of hormones essential for follicular maturation and embryo implantation.

And these are only some of the ways in which seeing an acupuncturist can powerfully impact IVF success. An acupuncturist looks at the whole person in front of them and addresses health issues that a person may not even be aware is affecting their fertility, such as sleep, inflammation, diet and more.

At Blue Jean Acupuncture we’ve been treating people with fertility challenges for over 15 years. We’ve seen how powerful this medicine is at assisting people conceive healthy babies with or without IVF over and over and over again. Our customized and holistic approach is what fuels our fertility successes. If you’d like to know more, book a free consultation with us and we will give you insight into how we can help.

Why You have Heartburn and What to do about it

One in five Americans suffers from chronic acid reflux. And as a class of drugs, GERD medications are the 3rd leading type of drug taken in this country. WOW. That's a lot of heartburn!

We opened our clinic in 2008 and since then we've just been seeing more and more people coming in with acid reflux. We've treated people in all age groups with this condition, and some even as young as teenagers. So why is this happening and how can acupuncture help?

As with many other diseases and symptoms, stress is the villain that is igniting so much GERD in modern day. Stress and good digestion cannot co exist. Your body doesn’t differentiate psychological stress from physical danger. Therefore when you're just stressed out from work deadlines your body thinks that you need to be running away from a saber tooth tiger! Your energy, and circulation go towards your muscles, heart, and lungs so you can run. Your digestive function drops by the wayside, leading to backed up food and GERD. Doing a breathing exercise, going on a short walk, or doing a meditation before eating can go a long way towards preventing GERD.

Second biggest driver of GERD is processed foods. Our bodies simply weren't built to eat fake foods. The chemical messengers they contain confuse our brain/gut communication and jam up the works. One of the best, best, best things you can do for your body on so many levels is to drastically reduce consuming any foods that you eat that have an ingredient label. Whole real foods do not have an ingredient label. Blueberries don't have a list of ingredients. They're just blueberries, as are sweet potatoes, or fish, or beans, etc. etc.

If you're like many people with GERD you may be trying to put a bandaid on the problem with PPI drugs, like Prevacid, Nexium, Prilosec etc. They may reduce your symptoms, but you also may pay a high price for using them in the long run. These drugs used over the long term can lead to SIBO, IBS, rebound reflux, increased food allergies, malabsorption of B-12, and calcium. And it doesn't stop there! Those conditions in and of themselves have many undesirable downstream effects.

PPI drugs are then clearly not the solution. Lifestyle, and diet adjustments along with acupuncture and herbs are an actual solution to GERD. Acupuncture and herbs can heal and rebalance the digestive tract. Acupuncture re-establishes communication between the gut and the brain, and between the vital organs that manage your digestion. In short, acupuncture and herbs heal heartburn at its root, rather than just covering up symptoms. At Blue Jean Acupuncture we are proud to offer long term solutions to GERD and other chronic conditions.

Stay Healthy this Season with Your Secret Weapon

So you’ve heard the drill before, wash your hands, wear a mask, take your vitamin D, etc. Yes! Those are all great things to do to prevent catching one of the many circulating diseases this winter season. But this is already turning out to be a season like no other, Covid cases in Los Angeles County have topped over 10,000 reported within the span of only the last 3 days. Flu is also rampant, with many hospitals already overwhelmed with flu patients, even as we’re just now cresting flu season. And let’s not forget RSV also! We can’t seem to catch a break this year!

We’re absolutely going to need all the defense we can get to get to dodge all of the circulating diseases going around right now. So don’t forget your secret weapon! Chinese medicine!

Chinese medical history is rich and nuanced, with so many brilliant herbal formulas that have been used for centuries for prevention and treatment of colds, flus, and other pathogenic diseases.

While we may have Robitussin and Tamiflu in western medicine, with Chinese medicine we literally have dozens of different formulas in use for different types of colds and flus with different symptoms, for different people’s constitutions, and even how far we are in the disease progression. This customized approach is what makes Chinese medicine so incredibly effective at treating pathogenic disease.

Two of the most popular formulas we have in our arsenal are Yu Ping Feng San and Yin Qiao San. These are so useful that we recommend that everyone keep a bottle of each in their medicine cabinet for “just in case.”

Yu Ping Feng San translates to “Jade Wind Screen.” The symbology of jade in Chinese is a stone of longevity, strength, and good health. “Wind” is the Chinese way of describing the pathogens that are airborne, such as bacteria, viruses, fungus, etc. So the name of this formula means that it functions to create a screen as hard as stone to protect against “wind evils.”

This formula strengthens the body’s innate energies to bolster the immune system. It gently stimulates circulation to the surface of the body to guide pathogens out. And it also has anti viral and anti bacterial properties. This is the perfect formula to take as a preventative if you know you are going to be around a lot of people, or if you feel run down and need an immune boost.

If you’ve already caught a cold or flu, and have fever one of the most popular formulas to take is Yin Qiao San, translated it’s Honeysuckle Forsythia Powder. You can easily find it in pill form also. It’s a staple in many Chinese households and for good reason. This formula is a powerful antiviral and anti bacterial formula. Note, this formula is only for colds and flus where you feel hot, not for the ones where you have chills. It reduces fever, inflammation, and pain associated with colds and flus. It reduces the time you have a cold or flu and also makes you more comfortable while you have it. This formula is best taken within the first few days of having a cold/flu so take it as soon as you feel something coming on.

We carry both formulas at Blue Jean Acupuncture. But if you can’t get to us they are so ubiquitous that you can find them in many Chinese grocery stores, and online also.

Another thing you can do to keep yourself disease free this flu/covid season is to enjoy foods that nourish your lung health. The lungs, and lung system in Chinese medicine preside over immunity. Healthy lungs equal more protection against respiratory diseases. So eat the things that makes your lungs happy, oats, carrots, mustard greens, garlic, ginger, cabbage, radish, turnips, broccoli, kale, pear, and parsley.

Be well and be healthy!

The Surprising Reasons You're Tired all the Time

If you’re like many people, you might feel like you just have barely enough energy to make it through your days. Some caffeine might perk you up for a few hours, but your baseline of energy is far from where you’d like it to be.

So why is this happening? Is it just a natural consequence of aging? Are you working too much or stressing out too much? Those things probably do make up some part of your fatigue, but they are not the whole picture.

There are other HUGE factors that can affect your energy levels. And the good news is that these are things that you can do something about!

1. This one is #1 on our list because it’s the most common problem affecting energy. It’s INFLAMMATION. When you consume inflammatory foods, such as sugar, simple carbohydrates, foods that you’re allergic to, transfats, processed foods etc. the brain and the nervous system undergo changes that induce fatigue. So when you're thinking about energy, think in terms of inflammation. To power up your energy levels avoid inflammatory foods and increase your consumption of anti inflammatory foods.

2. Leaky gut; when you’re eating inflammatory foods, pesticides, pharmaceutical drugs, etc, those things tear down the lining of your gut. When this normal healthy barrier is breeched it sends a signal to your immune system to activate and be on high alert. The problem is your immune system is a major energy hog. That's why you get so tired when you're sick. The energy that was supposed to be allocated for your day to day activities is now going towards your overly activated immune system.

3. Eating raw vegetables! Yes you heard that right. Vegetables in general are excellent for your health, but unfortunately many people are sensitive to plant proteins called lectins. Just like gluten, many people have a sensitivity to them which can cause digestive issues, fatigue, and brain fog. Lectins are found in large quantities in bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, corn, beans, etc. Cooking or sprouting your veggies or legumes before eating them significantly reduces the lectin content.

4. Not eating enough fiber; Fiber is well known for it’s ability to keep us regular. But did you know it’s a major player in your energy production as well? Fiber, specifically soluble fiber, feeds the good bacteria that live in our gut. When these good bacteria are well fed and happy that leads to better energy production signaling and better, sharper brain function. So feed the good guys! Eat plenty of whole, natural plant foods; vegetables, nuts, and fruit.

5. Not giving your mitochondria a break; Your mitochondria are the little engines in each of your cells that make energy out of the food you eat. But just like us, they can’t work 16 hours a day, every day. They need time to rest and repair. When we eat and digest food we are asking our exhausted mitochondria to keep working and working and working. Most of us do this for a window of 16 hours a day, which is a perfect recipe for fatigue! To have better energy you need to shorten your window of eating to just 6-8 hours a day. For example, you could set your eating time frame for between 10am-6pm for an 8 hour window.

6. Individual causes; Of course this is not a complete list of all the reasons you could be experiencing fatigue. Human beings are all individual and complex. If you haven’t recently, check in with your acupuncturist or other functional medicine physician for help with identifying the root causes of fatigue for you. Because life is too short to spend it tired all of the time!

Got Allergies? Then It's Time to be Nice to Your Liver

When you’re a sneezy, stuffy, puffy mess you’re likely to be spending a lot of time thinking about your nose.  However, shifting your focus to your liver will really help reduce your allergy symptoms.

This hard working unsung hero of organs relates to your allergies because it’s what pulls toxins out of your body, not just alcohol, but also medications, environmental toxins, food additives, pesticides, chemicals in your skin products, and household cleaning products, etc. etc.  In the modern day, we’re surrounded by these things all the time. So your liver has a lot of work to do!

However, your liver doesn’t have an infinite amount of resources or energy.  It can only do so much at once.  So if it gets over loaded and over stimulated, the toxins start to back up. 

This toxin build up, and the allergens you come in contact with send a red flag to your immune system. It responds by pumping out histamines and other inflammatory agents. 

But that’s not all! You get a double whammy, because if your liver is already sluggish, it can’t do its job of breaking down all the histamine that your immune system is generating.  And these overflowing histamines are what cause all the allergy symptoms that make you miserable, the sneezing, the itching, stuffed up sinuses, the puffy eyes etc.

Just like the air or oil filter in your car, the liver’s job is to pull stuff you don’t want out of your body.  Imagine what would happen if you never changed your air or oil filter for years and years!  Let’s just say it wouldn’t be good. 

That’s why we recommend that adults do liver supportive acupuncture, and take liver supportive herbs for a couple of weeks at least once per year.  Your body, just like your car, requires maintenance.

If you’re suffering from allergies, then it’s a clear sign that it’s time to put some maintenance work into your liver and other organ systems.  There’s no need to be an itchy, stuffy, sneezy mess!  Routine health maintenance will help you to stay allergy free.


How to Prepare to get a Covid 19 Vaccine

First of all, I want to say a big thank you to the scientists who have been working tirelessly on producing these vaccines. I would hug you if I could! After nearly a year of dealing with this pandemic it is an enormous breath of relief to finally have some hope on the horizon.

I'm beyond grateful to have received the first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine myself. And I'm glad to see that efforts are being made to distribute them to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.

When your turn comes up, you'll want to make sure you have as smooth of an experience as you can, and that the vaccine will work as intended. Many of you have asked me in clinic how best to prepare to get a Covid 19 vaccine, so here are my top recommendations.

3 days before vaccination - Do not drink alcohol. Alcohol inhibits proper functioning of your immune system for several days after drinking.

2 days before vaccination- Do not take Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen. These drugs may dull your immune system response to the vaccine. Your body will have a more difficult time making antibodies to Covid 19, rendering your immune system less effective at protecting you from the virus.

1 day before vaccination - Meal prep some healthy meals to eat after the vaccination. Though not the most common side effects, some people have reported headache, fever, or fatigue after vaccination. So make life easy on yourself. Make sure you don't have to cook in case you're feeling crummy.

Night before vaccination - Get some good sleep! This is not the night to be perusing the internet until 2am. Sleep affects your antibody development so you'll want to let your body get the rest it needs to build a great antibody defense.

Day of vaccination - Wear comfortable shoes, short sleeved shirt, and possibly a sun hat. Definitely don't forget your mask and ID! Though you may get lucky and get into a shorter line, some of the lines for vaccination can be long. I was in line for almost 2 hours. So bring water, sunblock, and other essentials. Use the bathroom before leaving the house.

Day of vaccination/After vaccination - Don't lose the vaccination health record postcard! Your vaccination record for Covid 19 may be required in the future to board airplanes, get into concerts, enter foreign countries, etc. Take a picture of the card just in case you lose it later.

1 day after vaccination - Have some dit da jow or arnica cream on hand. The #1 side effect of these vaccines is arm soreness, and these topicals provide a lot of relief. Warm compresses or warm baths can help as well. Acetominophen/Tylenol can be helpful for flu like symptoms at this time.

3 days after vaccination - Still abstain from alcohol. You should not have alcohol 3 days before or 3 days after the vaccination.

Days 1-28 after vaccination - Though studies show that you do have some degree of protection from Covid 19 two weeks after your first dose of vaccine, you should still take all the precautions you were taking before getting vaccinated. Wear a mask, social distance, you know the drill. Since it takes time for your body to produce protective antibodies, you can still catch the virus between the first and second dose and get seriously sick! So protect yourself, and don't forget to make your appointment for your second dose as soon as you are able.

Also what is extremely important to know is that, though the vaccines have been proven to protect you from getting severe symptoms from the virus, you may still be able to catch it, and pass it on to other people who can get seriously sick or die from it. So be a considerate person and protect others.

And that is that! Have a good one everyone. At Blue Jean Acupuncture we wish you a healthy and happy new year!

Feel Better While Working from Home

Wow, things have gone more than a little topsy turvy since March haven't they? For many of us, our daily routines bare little resemblance to what they did pre Covid. We’re spending a lot more time at home, and many of us are working at home now too.

There are some great benefits to working at home, no traffic anyone?!  But one of the downsides is that we don't have the fancy ergonomic desk chairs and full sized desktop computers that we do at the office. We're spending hours and hours a day, sitting at the kitchen table, or on our beds, or couches hunched over our laptops. Over time, these less than ideal postures translate to chronic pain.

Here at the clinic we're seeing people coming in more than ever for neck pain, back pain, and stress. So what can you do to keep yourself feeling good? Read on for our favorite ways to feel better while working from home.

1. Do the "stoplight exercise." When you are working on a computer, or looking at your phone, you have a tendency to crane your head forward to get a better look at the screen. Over time that pushes your head in front of your frame causing "forward head carriage." This puts strain on your stabilizing muscles in your neck and shoulders, causing those achy, stiff, uncomfortable shoulders that you feel constantly. In order to counter act that you can do a simple exercise in the car to push your head back over your frame. When you're at a stoplight gently push your head into the head rest behind you. *** IMPORTANT- do not tilt your chin up. That is not the correct direction.  Instead push your head straight back, as if you are trying to touch the back of your head to the back of your car. Press and hold for 3 seconds, and let go. Repeat for the length of time the stoplight is red. And of course, if you aren't driving anywhere, you can do this exercise at home too. Just push your head back onto a pretend head rest. Do 3 repetitions a few times a day and your neck and back will thank you!

2. Stretch out your pecs. When your arms are constantly in front of you your pectoral muscles shorten and tighten, leading to more pain and imbalance in your back muscles. So open your chest up! Stretch your pecs out by placing your hand on a wall or door frame, straightening your arm, and rotating away from that hand. Hold for 10 seconds each side. Another benefit of this stretch is that it really opens up your lung channel, which in Eastern Medicine, acupuncture theory is associated with sadness/depression. Stretching out this channel moves stagnated emotions of grief, and makes us more resilient to depression.

3. Make sure your screen is at eye level. Do whatever you have to do to make sure that your screen is at your eye level, whether that means stacking up old phone books, or putting your laptop on a TV tray, your eyes must be on level with your screen otherwise you will be putting excess strain on the stabilizing muscles in your neck and shoulders for several hours a day. If you have a laptop you'll need to get a separate keyboard so that your arms can be bent at 90 degrees when you're typing. A laptop stand, and a detachable keyboard are small investments that can make a huge difference in your neck and back health.

4. Actually make yourself go outside! The list of research backed benefits to time spent outdoors is long. But here are some of our favorites. It boosts your immune system by giving it a dose of natural Vitamin D. Airborne chemical messengers produced by plants increase numbers of immune enhancing white blood cells in your body too. Enjoying a great view is more than just good for the soul. It’s great for your eyes too. Looking out into the distance counteracts some of the strain our eyes take every day by staring at screens just a short distance from our eyes. And best of all, being outside gives your energy, creativity, and focus a lift.

5. Do food prep days. If you have extra time on your hands you can really take advantage of it by making a lot of your food for the week at once. In general, the food that you make at home is going to be healthier than food you’re getting eating out since you know what you’re putting into it. Pre prepared meals made with whole natural ingredients make it easier for you to make good food choices during your working week. In these uncertain times it’s more important than ever to take care of our health, and feeding ourselves healthy homemade food is one of the best ways to do that.