First of all, I want to say a big thank you to the scientists who have been working tirelessly on producing these vaccines. I would hug you if I could! After nearly a year of dealing with this pandemic it is an enormous breath of relief to finally have some hope on the horizon.
I'm beyond grateful to have received the first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine myself. And I'm glad to see that efforts are being made to distribute them to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.
When your turn comes up, you'll want to make sure you have as smooth of an experience as you can, and that the vaccine will work as intended. Many of you have asked me in clinic how best to prepare to get a Covid 19 vaccine, so here are my top recommendations.
3 days before vaccination - Do not drink alcohol. Alcohol inhibits proper functioning of your immune system for several days after drinking.
2 days before vaccination- Do not take Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen. These drugs may dull your immune system response to the vaccine. Your body will have a more difficult time making antibodies to Covid 19, rendering your immune system less effective at protecting you from the virus.
1 day before vaccination - Meal prep some healthy meals to eat after the vaccination. Though not the most common side effects, some people have reported headache, fever, or fatigue after vaccination. So make life easy on yourself. Make sure you don't have to cook in case you're feeling crummy.
Night before vaccination - Get some good sleep! This is not the night to be perusing the internet until 2am. Sleep affects your antibody development so you'll want to let your body get the rest it needs to build a great antibody defense.
Day of vaccination - Wear comfortable shoes, short sleeved shirt, and possibly a sun hat. Definitely don't forget your mask and ID! Though you may get lucky and get into a shorter line, some of the lines for vaccination can be long. I was in line for almost 2 hours. So bring water, sunblock, and other essentials. Use the bathroom before leaving the house.
Day of vaccination/After vaccination - Don't lose the vaccination health record postcard! Your vaccination record for Covid 19 may be required in the future to board airplanes, get into concerts, enter foreign countries, etc. Take a picture of the card just in case you lose it later.
1 day after vaccination - Have some dit da jow or arnica cream on hand. The #1 side effect of these vaccines is arm soreness, and these topicals provide a lot of relief. Warm compresses or warm baths can help as well. Acetominophen/Tylenol can be helpful for flu like symptoms at this time.
3 days after vaccination - Still abstain from alcohol. You should not have alcohol 3 days before or 3 days after the vaccination.
Days 1-28 after vaccination - Though studies show that you do have some degree of protection from Covid 19 two weeks after your first dose of vaccine, you should still take all the precautions you were taking before getting vaccinated. Wear a mask, social distance, you know the drill. Since it takes time for your body to produce protective antibodies, you can still catch the virus between the first and second dose and get seriously sick! So protect yourself, and don't forget to make your appointment for your second dose as soon as you are able.
Also what is extremely important to know is that, though the vaccines have been proven to protect you from getting severe symptoms from the virus, you may still be able to catch it, and pass it on to other people who can get seriously sick or die from it. So be a considerate person and protect others.
And that is that! Have a good one everyone. At Blue Jean Acupuncture we wish you a healthy and happy new year!