Taking a Natural Systemic Approach to Healing
Acupuncture is a method of healing that has helped millions of people over the course of over 2500 years. It is based on the understanding that the human body is a complex bio-electrical system. This is something that Western science has only recently discovered. Energy, or what is called chi, circulates to all parts of the body along pathways called meridians. When this movement is blocked or disrupted, pain and illness are the result. Acupuncture re-balances and restores the correct flow of chi, thereby bringing back health and vitality.
To look at it another way, acupuncture helps the body to heal itself. The human body has a marvelous intrinsic intelligence. If you cut your finger all of the many biological steps that are required to heal the cut happen without you having to direct that process. Acupuncture simply stimulates your body to initiate the healing processes that are already working within it.